Change is Good
Life moves on with or without our consent! Time ticks, or at least in the perception of our little minds it has the appearance of a tick (there are quantum arguments to this contrary, but I digress).
My kid is away at college and doing well. The wife is not that in love with any travel that the new job has presented. But outside of that, I have a new title at the job with KenCast - Director, Sales Engineering. And, the actual job is keeping me challenged! I work with really talented individuals, and working SOHO has been a real boon in many ways that I would not have thought possible.
On the blog side, I look for this spot to start receiving more input from me. In that, it a good way to vent, rant, rave, and generally get things off my chest (well as much as I want to be public). I have been challenged by one of my coworkers to start an RSS feed of my mostly appropriate, but always to the point insights and observations to as he says "to assist the current herd of 20 something misanthropes with a daily infusion of guidance!" He wants this available via the iPhone. Hey reaching out with a daily post. How hard can that be, huh? Very difficult, in that off the cuff creativity is spontaneous; however, a daily grind of this stuff resembles work! Regardless, I currently get the rants, raves and creative works for marketing ideas from Seth Godin on a daily basis (I have a new personal hero for daily persistence of on point posting). So, I know that this work is possible, and the work done by Seth is a good model. The rest is just up to me to make it all happen.
Thought for the day - The successful discover of an avoidance alternative to procrastination can actually fill your time with joy!